We just released two new collections of premium kindergarten worksheets. They are our Premium Alphabet Worksheets Collection and our Premium Numbers Worksheets Collection. Each is being sold on our Kindergarten Worksheets Store. There has been a lot of interest in our free alphabet worksheets and numbers categories, so we decided to offer premium versions.
Our Premium Alphabet Worksheets Collection includes 52 premium kindergarten worksheets. Kindergarteners will get to practice writing letters, learn new words, and complete fun review worksheets. The alphabet worksheets cover two letters at a time. First, a student will practice writing a letter. Then they will learn words that start with the letter and practice writing them. After every two letters, there will be two review worksheets. The teacher can reinforce the material just covered and see how much the student has retained.
Our Premium Numbers Worksheets Collection includes 35 premium kindergarten worksheets. Kids will get to find, identify, and match numbers. They will also be able to color and write numbers. Rote counting worksheets from 1 to 100 are also included. Rote counting is the act of counting verbally.
We will be releasing new collections of premium kindergarten worksheets. What type of premium worksheets would you like to see?