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Kindergarten Summer Athletics Reading Worksheet

Worksheets for the Summer Olympics

Is everyone watching the Olympics? People worldwide watch and cheer for their athletes competing in the Olympics every four years. This is a great time for families to gather around the television and watch the Olympics together. It is truly an inspirational experience. To celebrate this great event, we have created a Summer Athletics Reading Worksheet and a Sports Day Math Worksheet. These worksheets are perfect for reviewing and preparing for the coming school year.

Kindergarten Classroom Objects Worksheet

Getting Ready for the School Year!

I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful and hot summer! School will start again in about two months, and so will the hectic days. Summer is a great time to freshen up the material kids have learned over the past year. Because the summer vacation is so long, many kids often forget some basic lessons to help them succeed in the next grade. It is a great idea to make sure that they truly understand the material so that they will be able to take what they’ve learned to the next level. Learning is like a building block. If there is no firm foundation, the building will collapse.

To assist with reviewing the study material from the past year, we have developed a few worksheets for students proceeding to the next grade. Here are a few worksheets perfect for reviewing vocabulary and math skills.

We are planning on coming up with more worksheets for the coming year. We hope you enjoy the rest of the summer and if you have any requests for particular worksheets, please feel free to contact us.

Kindergarten Spring Vocabulary Worksheet

10 Free Spring Worksheets

We just made it 500 followers on our Kindergarten Worksheets Facebook page and wanted to say thank you. So we decided to add 10 spring worksheets. These can be downloaded, printed, or used online.

Here is the list of new spring worksheets we just added:

Thank you to everyone who is following us on Facebook! We can’t wait to get to 1000 followers and are already planning some tremendous free worksheets to mark the achievement.

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