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Premium Halloween Worksheets Collection Details

Spooky Learning Material for Halloween

It’s already October, and Halloween is quickly approaching. I know it is difficult for kids to focus on learning during these exciting times. But we also know that associating a fun experience with learning can significantly enhance the children’s ability to absorb what they have learned. This is an excellent opportunity for children to learn! We have a printable Halloween worksheets packet that covers reading comprehension, phonics, the alphabet, patterns, number recognition, addition, subtraction, making 10, more or less, and counting. We hope you find these worksheets helpful. Have a safe and happy Halloween!

Kindergarten Identifying Basic Wants and Needs Worksheet Printable

Learning the Difference Between Wants and Needs

Kids often say, “…but mom, I need it!”. I understand where they are coming from because I did it too when I was little. I was so convinced I could live off eating just candies that I begged my mom to buy them because I needed them. I was sure I needed sweets to survive going to school every day because my life was apparently so difficult. The difference between wants and needs is somewhat blurred when you are young. To help kids distinguish or identify basic wants and needs, we have created a worksheet to help with learning this basic concept. Our free Identifying Basic Wants and Needs worksheet can be easily used online or printed. I hope everyone enjoys this worksheet!

Kindergarten Dental Health Worksheet Printable

Teaching Your Kids About Oral Hygiene

When I was little, I hated brushing my teeth. I don’t know why. Maybe because I was too lazy, or I just wanted to watch my favorite cartoon instead. Sneaking behind my mom’s back, I often pretended to brush my teeth and went straight to bed. Of course, my mouth was full of cavities when my next dental check-up came around. I was dragged to the dentist’s office for about a year. I’m sure my mom did not appreciate taking a screaming child who would do anything but go to the dentist. I realized then that keeping up with my oral hygiene is much better than visiting the dentist!

To help kids learn about oral hygiene, we have produced a few free health worksheets including the printable dental worksheet you see above. It’s never too late to teach your children about keeping up with their hygiene!

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